
Understand your animal’s thoughts; learn how they are feeling, what they need, and who they really are.

photos of animals A phone consultation with me is an opportunity to communicate directly with your animal companions by way of telepathy. You can get questions answered about their viewpoints on environment, behaviors, food, health, and how they think.  A consultation is an opportunity for you and your animal to better understand each other, creating a deeper bond or better partnership.

At the time of your appointment, we will connect on the phone and go from what is known about the situation from your viewpoint, to what the animal thinks about the situation.  While I am talking to your animal I will be quiet for a couple of minutes, during this time you can simply stay on the line.  Then, I will share with you what your animal friend has said.  There will be ample opportunity for you to ask more questions. I can tune in to your animal friends and find out issues important to them, but you asking specific questions that are important to you facilitate a consultation. Animal companions might not talk about your areas of concern unless you focus their attention on them.

Read more about how it works here.

animal photos

Note: Information on health is intended only to express the animal’s experience, not to replace veterinary diagnostic work or treatment.  Behavior changes can take time and work for everyone, consultations are intended to help you and your animals understand each other better, and while behaviors often change rapidly, results are dependent on the individuals involved.  I do not consult with animals belonging to someone other than the caller (with the exception of animals available for adoption).

I post cute pictures on Facebook too!

Free Help with Animal Communication

I appreciate all of you who follow me here on my blog (coming to some of you in your email). I want to let you know about a new email series I am creating. I will be writing every 2-4 weeks, tips on how to communicate with your animals and meditations that you can use to better connect. Each email will also feature an artistic portrait of an animal. If you want to be part of this please sign-up. You are not automatically included in this series. Here is how: go to dawnallen.net, scroll down and enter your name and email. That is it! Thank you!

Also, a reminder that for return clients I have a $20/ 20 minute unemployment relief price which you can find and book on my return client page.

Many thanks, Dawn Allen

PS I will continue to write here a few times per year.

PPS Sign up here to be part of the animal communication adventure.

You Can Communicate- without me!

“I’ve been skeptical that animal communications are even possible. But I opened your book sort of randomly and followed directions to think positively about my Sophie, telling her in my mind how much I love her. She’s a loudly yowling kitty, sort of mad at the world but after doing this practice for just a short time, she calmed down and started purring. She’s been much more docile since then. Not totally transformed but much improved. It feels like magic!” – customer note on facebook

I love you- my clients- and certainly want to continue interpreting your animal’s thoughts and feelings for you. More than anything, I want you and your animal to have a deep, loving relationship. Over 20 years ago I studied with Penelope Smith and she suggested that we agree to a code of ethics. Part of that code is to empower people to communicate with their own animals and not to foster a feeling of dependence. For years I met that criteria by teaching workshops. Lately that hasn’t been the right path for me so I wrote my book, The Art of Meditating with Cats. While many of the meditations are cat specific, most can be used with any species.

You can purchase my book on Amazon or direct from me for a signed copy.

Have a wonderful day!

PS just a quick reminder that I have added a price reduced session for people unemployed due to covid19- or anyone struggling. You can book those sessions as a return client on my website here.

The Art of Meditating with Cats

I am thrilled to announce the release of my book, “The Art of Meditating with Cats”. A few months ago I shared a meditation excerpt from the book. It made me very happy to hear that some of you have been doing the meditation with your animals- that is great news!

cover media

For those of you asking, “What about dogs?” I hear you! While all of the art depicts cats, many of the meditations can be applied to any species if you are eager to get started meditating with your dog, horse, rabbit, etc!

Also I wrote a new meditation to be done with any animal published on MeditationMag.com which you might enjoy too!

You can purchase a signed copy of “The Art of Meditating with Cats” on my art website (free shipping).

Having more people treating animals with respect, love, and understanding is so important to me. This book is a colorful, whimsical, gentle introduction to meditating and communicating with animals. I hope it opens many human hearts and brings joy to the humans whose hearts are already open. Please help me spread to message far and wide.

Many thanks, Dawn

Win a portrait of your animal

I’ve been having a great time connecting with many animals and people in my communication sessions. This week I spoke to several horses, rabbits, cats, and dogs. I feel like everyday I appreciate the specialness of animals more and more. I want to help as many animals and people as possible so, if you have lost your income due to the shut-down, I have special rates for return clients.

As many of you know I also create colorful-joyful portraits of animals. I am having a photo contest with the prize being a pet portrait. You can enter here. The contest ends June 30, 2020.

Ginger Tabby

Have a wonderful summer! Dawn

Meditating with Animals

I am working on a book combining my three passions, art, animal communication, and cats! I am anticipating a June release, still wrapping up some of the artwork and final editing.

Here is the cover draft (not quite finished):


Today I am sharing one of the meditations that you can do with any animal (not just cats).

Love Meditation
The purpose of this meditation is to tell your animal that you love them. You probably already communicate “I love you” all the time in all kinds of noisy human ways like hugs and kisses and songs and nicknames. This is something a little more quiet and subtle; your animal might appreciate it.

We all want our animals to know how much we love them. Sometimes we worry that maybe they don’t understand when we take them to the vet or clip their nails. It can be nice to offer this reassurance. Also, sending love can open us in surprising ways to receive love back.

Instructions: Close your eyes and hold your animal’s image in your mind’s eye. Feel your heart open and your love for them pour out. Be in the moment, allowing thoughts to fade away and your love for your animal to take over. After a period of time (flexible), when you are ready, gently quiet your mind and emotions. Be open to your animal’s love. Be receptive.

I continue to be available for consultations. You can book a session for return clients or new clients.

Relax Like a Cat


My cat knows how to relax. He doesn’t consider it to be a life skill- it is just life. Often people call me to communicate with their animals about a certain subject. When I communicate with my cat on a daily basis it is usually about “nothing”. I tune into him and just enjoy thinking the way he does. It is very relaxing. I am not sure I should call it “thinking”, maybe I should say I enjoy feeling the way he does. Today he was having the best moment of basking in the sun. Look at how relaxed his body got!


When you have a moment try being quiet and tuning into your relaxed animal friend. Try to feel how they feel. Imagine your body feeling like their body. I promise it will feel good!

You can check out my pet portraits here.

Cassie poodle

Have a wonderful day, Dawn


Learn Animal Communication

Update: This workshop has already happened. I only offer workshops every few years so nothing is booked yet. Follow this blog for future updates.

I have exciting news! I am teaching an animal communication workshop this summer after a four year hiatus. This will be the only opportunity to learn from me this year so sign up if you are ready to communicate with your animals in new ways.

I wanted to let you all know the big joy in our household– Mallory is not in pain anymore! I had resisted the idea of nailing metal shoes to her hoofs but the vet was encouraging and we went ahead with front shoes. She told me, “I love my shoes!” They are studded to grip the ice and she goes everywhere. I have to remind her that the donkeys can still slip so she needs to pick better paths for them (she is the leader).


I have been working on drawing a series of running horses. The sight and sound of galloping hoofs always brings me so much joy I want to share that with the world.

palamino sm

I look forward to talking with you and your animals soon!

Love, Dawn

20 Years

February 2018 was officially my 20 year anniversary as a professional animal communicator. I had been doing a few consultations here and there for 2 years before I printed my first brochure but I don’t count those years as I was still in college at the time (I graduated in February 1998 from Goddard College).

I thought about writing and celebrating my anniversary but every time the thought came to me I started remembering all of the human clients that I loved who have passed away. I knew I would lose a lot of animal clients over the years but I never expected how attached I would become to the people and how many of them would die. It is strange grieving clients because usually I don’t know their friends and families. I just quietly miss them, alone. I get to think about them with their animals in spirit which is nice.

I send love telepathically to those clients I have lost and to those of you still in body I send this blog post. Thank you for being such fantastic clients. Thank you for loving your animals.

Just a quick update on my animal family, Ton Ton (rabbit) continues to struggle with severe dental disease which is incurable but managed with medication and surgery every 5 months. You would never know it the way he hops around the house and shows great enthusiasm at meal time.

dec 18 4

The cats Henry and Owen are great. The both do a wonderful job giving love and affection and sleep enough for all of us!

dec 18 2

The equines are very happy in their huge pasture and cozy barn. Ichabod (donkey) has a chronic wound that I am try to get to heal but he is not concerned by it. Mallory (horse) has a sore hoof which is also chronic but her primary focus is on eating! She also love winter time and gets a great fuzzy coat.

dec 18 5

Burrito (mini donkey) is doing great. The one thing he hates is the rain so lucky for him he always has access to the barn.

dec 18

I continue to offer my animal communication services… onward to the next 20 years right? I also enjoy my artistic endeavors including drawing pet portraits.

Calico Cat Snuggie

Have a great day, Dawn

Pet Portraits

I think a lot about animals. Each week I consult with about 20 human clients and at least 40-50 animals. In order to connect with a new animal client I ask their person to describe them. I use their emotional link as they describe their animal to tune in to the animal. In the process I spend much of my day visualizing what an animal might look like.


I have been an artist for many years too. This year I realized the fun that can come from joining my two passions- art and animals. I started drawing pet portraits. I love to see their personalities coming through my drawings as I work. Every portrait is hand drawn using a stylus pen on the computer just as a painter would use a paintbrush.


If you are interested in commissioning a pet portrait you can check out my offerings on my artist’s website.

Have a great day, Dawn


Donkey Love

I am so fortunate to have my equines living in my backyard. I get to watch them graze from my office window (look at my amazing view!) And I can visit them throughout the day. IMG_8362

Mornings are the most fun. As soon as one of the donkeys sees me moving around in the house (they watch the windows) I hear a big bray. I rush around finishing up a few chores- trying not to feel guilty about them waiting for me! Finally I hop outside and open the gate to let them out for grazing. My Haflinger horse, Mallory, having given me a “hurry up” whiny and grumble, stomps right past me. She honestly doesn’t even look at me- when it is time to eat pleasantries are off the table.

But the donkeys… they give me the love. First the black mammoth donkey, Ichabod, walks up to me. I give him a big kiss on the nose and a rub on the forehead. Then little Burrito comes for his kiss. I scoop him under the chin and raise his head up so I can reach his nose- I still need to bend over a little. He lingers for extra rubs and sometimes asks me to snuggle his face against my chest. When I turn to leave, Ichabod occasionally requests an extra kiss. They are so sweet!


Have a great day!